Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful

The sky – Overcast with intermittent drizzle

The place – Old Faithful and Upper Geyser Basin

The event – A large group of tourists gathered on a boardwalk in front of the historic Old Faithful Inn waiting for the geyser to erupt

A bison moved into scene. His massive head drooped to the ground – busy grazing.


With the eruption bound to happen any minute, he inched towards the cone.


The geyser erupted, spewing jets ofĀ boiling water up into the air. People cheered and clicked their cameras frantically.


The lone bison munched on. Oblivious to all.


This is Yellowstone – the first National Park in the world, and one of the only four places in North America where free roaming and genetically pure bison herds can be found.

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