Yellowstone National Park – Norris Geyser Basin

By now, we have encountered four major geothermal features in Yellowstone National Park. They are Geyser, hot springs, mud pots and fumaroles.

Porcelain Basin

Norris Geyser Basin is the hottest, oldest and most dynamic thermal area in the park. It is also the location of the world’s tallest active geyser. Continue reading “Yellowstone National Park – Norris Geyser Basin”

Yellowstone National Park – Artist Paint Pots

Yellowstone National Park spans an area of 3,468.4 square miles (8,983 km2). To make the most of it in four and half days seems ambitious. It is nonetheless doable with the help of a knowledgeable National Park ranger. Continue reading “Yellowstone National Park – Artist Paint Pots”

Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful

The sky – Overcast with intermittent drizzle

The place – Old Faithful and Upper Geyser Basin

The event – A large group of tourists gathered on a boardwalk in front of the historic Old Faithful Inn waiting for the geyser to erupt

A bison moved into scene. His massive head drooped to the ground – busy grazing.

18921187_1226136694181981_1763617705913111307_o.jpg Continue reading “Yellowstone National Park – Old Faithful”